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Chavinci Console RPC Functions

Here are some common Chavinci RPC functions you can use with Chavinci-core or a similar module:

1- Returns basic information about the Chavinci network:

./cha-cli getblockchaininfo

2- Retrieves information about a specific block:

./cha-cli getblock :blockhash

3- Retrieves information about a specific transaction:

./cha-cli gettransaction :txid

4- Retrieves the balance of a specific account or all accounts:

./cha-cli getbalance [account], [minconf], [include_watchonly] 

5- Lists the transaction history of a specific account or all accounts:

./cha-cli listtransactions  [account], [count], [skip], [include_watchonly] 

6- Sends Chavinci to a specific address:

./cha-cli sendtoaddress  address, amount, [comment], [comment_to], [subtractfeefromamount], [replaceable], [conf_target], [estimate_mode] 

7- Lists unspent transactions:

./cha-cli listunspent [minconf], [maxconf], [addresses]

8- Lists the amount of Chavinci sent to a specific account:

./cha-cli listreceivedbyaddress [minconf], [include_empty], [include_watchonly]

9- Creates a new Chavinci wallet:

./cha-cli createwallet wallet_name, [disable_private_keys], [blank], [passphrase]

10- Generates a new Chavinci address:

./cha-cli getnewaddress [account]

11- Lists the wallets on the Chavinci node:

./cha-cli listwallets

12- Encrypts the wallet:

./cha-cli encryptwallet passphrase

13- Backs up the wallet:

./cha-cli backupwallet destination

14- Imports an external Chavinci address:

./cha-cli importaddress address, [label], [rescan], [p2sh]

15- Imports a private key:

./cha-cli importprivkey privkey, [label], [rescan]

16- Sends Chavinci to multiple addresses:

./cha-cli sendmany from_account, to_addresses, [minconf], [comment], [subtractfeefrom]

17- Generates blocks to a specific address for the test network:

./cha-cli generatetoaddress blocks, address, [maxtries]