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Key Features

Key features

Modular Ledger Technology (MLT)

Chavinci's backbone, MLT, allows for unprecedented flexibility in ledger customization. It offers businesses and users the ability to tailor their blockchain experience with plug-n-play modules and a customizable interface.

Cha PoS v3.0 Consensus

Built on an advanced Proof-of-Stake model, Cha PoS v3.0 provides a secure, energy-efficient, and scalable network environment. This consensus mechanism supports adaptive staking and dynamic reward systems, promoting a fair and incentivized network participation.

Customized Wallet Integration

With MLT, users enjoy a tailored wallet experience, ensuring simplicity and efficiency in blockchain access for both businesses and end-users.

Advanced Distributed Architecture

Progressing from traditional DLTs, MLT represents a refined approach to ledger technology, with adaptability and scalability at its core.

User-Centric Approach

At Chavinci, user accessibility is paramount. The platform features a singular wallet system that simplifies user interaction with blockchain technology, making it approachable for non-technical users.

Integrated D-Mail System

Our blockchain-based mail system offers end-to-end encrypted communication, KYC solution, supporting decentralized IDs for secure, private data handling and facilitating interactions across Layer 2 solutions.

Cross-Ledger Capability

The platform supports seamless transactions between different ledgers within the network, facilitating interoperability and fluid movement of assets.

One-Click Node Setup

Chavinci reduces the complexity of node setup to a simple, user-friendly process, enabling quick and easy participation in the network.

Native Token Creation

Users can create native tokens using Chavinci's streamlined processes, opening up possibilities for asset tokenization and custom use cases.

Layer 1 and Layer 2 Solutions

Chavinci offers robust solutions on both layers, ensuring maximum security and scalability while also supporting innovative applications like DeFi, automated transactions, and more.

API & SDK Provisions

Empower your blockchain development with our comprehensive APIs and SDKs, providing the tools necessary for seamless application development and integration.

Customizable Interface

Craft interfaces that align perfectly with your operational needs, improving both user experience and efficiency.

Customized Dashboard Creation

Reflect your web services within node wallets, facilitating an integrated blockchain experience for your business operations.

Off-chain, Side-chains & Layer 2 Solutions

MLT's innovative architecture offers off-chain processing for reduced congestion and faster transactions, while side-chains and Layer 2 solutions enhance scalability and enable complex application development.

Comprehensive Blockchain Utilities

MLT's extensive suite of utilities ranges from native token creation to secure communication channels, offering a toolbox for blockchain innovation.

Comprehensive Security

A unique seed phrase for each user and multi-layered security protocols provide a fortified environment against threats, ensuring the safety of assets and data.

Inclusive Ecosystem

With an emphasis on financial and social inclusion, Chavinci is committed to providing an ecosystem that supports a diverse range of applications, from enterprise solutions to individual financial empowerment.

Limitless Potential with MLT

Discover the vast possibilities of MLT in our whitepaper, where we delve into its comprehensive benefits for creating a connected and adaptable blockchain ecosystem.